The Comeback Kid

Habili-blog 1/2/19 Farewell blog “The Comeback Kid” by Jared Mayes.   It’s incredible how much of my recent lifestyle change can be attributed to one single event. A nap. An unauthorized nap at a simulated drug rehabilitation program. Although seemingly not a very dramatic event, this nap ultimately led to the discovery of a web of lies including but not …

Miracle Grow

Habili-blog 8/3/18 “Miracle Grow” by Jared Mayes Passion is a thing you can not teach. It’s something engrained into an individual and can often times be untapped. I used to wonder how people had such a clear picture of what they like to do and what they were good at. The only thing I knew I was good at was …

Parents of an addict


Habili-blog 7/27/18 “Relapse is a part of denial” by Jared Mayes I recently read an article about Demi Lovato relapsing. The article went on to detail the reaction of her fan base and how they were very understanding of her situation. They expressed their undying support and belief that “relapse is part of recovery.” Now I must admit that sounds …

band aid addiction treatment

The Band Aid

Habili-blog 6/23/18 “Band Aids” by Jared Mayes   There’s a reason why a band aid cannot be used for a broken bone. It won’t do much right? I know when you’re little and your mom puts a band aid on your boo boo, it magically takes away all the pain, but take away the placebo effect and it’s just a …

drug epidemic

Drug Epidemic

Habili-blog 5/25/18 “War Murder on Drugs” by Jared Mayes   President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines openly stated that he would order his own son to be killed if he found out that he was in any way tied to drugs. Now I can’t speak for everyone else but that seems a little dramatic to me. To be so ignorant …

Getting Sober

Getting Sober

Habili-blog 5/8/18 “Raise the bar” by Jared Mayes I once had a counselor that told me “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” The thought alone made my hair stand on end thinking that anyone could see me as anything other than my self-projected monstrous image. I have always had an issue with people giving me …

Habili-blog 4/27/18 “My Life, Resurrected ” by Jared Mayes When you stop using drugs or alcohol there’s a pretty common mourning period for all the things you “Can’t” do anymore. We tend to think that food won’t taste the same without ripping a bong bowl of marijuana, and music won’t sound the same without dropping a couple hits of acid …

Codependent Relationship

Habili-blog 4/27/18 “Let It Go ” by Jared Mayes Bonnie and Clyde are arguably one of the world’s most beloved couples. Their till death do us part attitude was incomparable to most modern-day couples over half of which end up divorced, if they even make it to the binds of marriage. But when we analyze their care for one another’s …

self acceptance


Habili-blog 4/7/18 “Let It Go ” by Jared Mayes I believe it’s human nature to want to feel a part of. It is rare to find someone in this day and age who feels comfortable in their own skin. We have been taught from a young age to look up to celebrities that dictate what we wear, the phrases we …


The youth of a nation and commonality of drugs

Habili-blog 3/4/18 “The youth of a nation ” by Jared Mayes While scrolling through random news articles recently there was one that stuck out to me and hit a nerve. “Middle schooler invents device to safely pick up needles!” I thought to myself what kind of  world do we live in where are children are subjected to paraphernalia so much …