Habilitat, Inc. est. 1971

Habilitat Founders
For over 50 years, Habilitat has been motivating the unmotivated. It has long been recognized as one of the nation’s foremost long term addiction treatment programs. With meager resources, Vinny Marino founded Habilitat on January 27, 1971, starting with only eight people housed in a small home in Kailua, Hawai`i. Vinny was determined to pursue his uncompromising commitment to address the growing epidemic of individuals with substance abuse problems and other anti-social behaviors.

Over its long history, residents have included those from the local community as well as individuals from across the country and abroad. An integral component contributing to Habilitat’s success is its vocational training programs, with such diverse options as food services, masonry, landscaping, carpentry, telemarketing, administration and information technology. These on-the-job situations offer residents opportunities to cultivate and refine the principles that Habilitat emphasizes: self-respect, accountability, concern for others, constructive criticism, self-discipline, lifelong learning, and strong work ethic.

Since its modest beginnings, Habilitat grew to accommodate 200 residents at its new oceanfront facility in Kane`ohe, Hawai`i. Consistently, through demonstration and positive results in helping thousands of individuals and their families, Vinny Marino maintained the highly acclaimed Habilitat.

With increased responsibility generated by growth in Habilitat’s resident population, Habilitat initiated ways to remain self-sufficient. Fundraising projects such as Christmas tree sales, catering, national book sales, music production and our annual luau, auction and benefit concert help to maintain Habilitat’s goals of autonomy and self-reliance.

  1. Over five decades after its inception, Habilitat continues its mission to help people overcome their problems with substance abuse and other anti-social behaviors.