Habili-blog 4/27/18 “My Life, Resurrected ” by Jared Mayes When you stop using drugs or alcohol there’s a pretty common mourning period for all the things you “Can’t” do anymore. We tend to think that food won’t taste the same without ripping a bong bowl of marijuana, and music won’t sound the same without dropping a couple hits of acid …
Codependent Relationship
Habili-blog 4/27/18 “Let It Go ” by Jared Mayes Bonnie and Clyde are arguably one of the world’s most beloved couples. Their till death do us part attitude was incomparable to most modern-day couples over half of which end up divorced, if they even make it to the binds of marriage. But when we analyze their care for one another’s …
Habili-blog 4/7/18 “Let It Go ” by Jared Mayes I believe it’s human nature to want to feel a part of. It is rare to find someone in this day and age who feels comfortable in their own skin. We have been taught from a young age to look up to celebrities that dictate what we wear, the phrases we …