Self Evaluation Please enter a number in the fields labeled "Score 1-4". Based on this scale: 1= needs work 2= average 3= above average 4= exceptional Your Name Your Email Your job title Supervisor name Department Date of hire Ethical treatment of staff and participants Adherence to policy Dependability Initiative Judgement Interpersonal Skills Responsibilities Training subordinates Please list all formal training this past fiscal year. Total training time this fiscal year: Ability to communicate, solve problems and find solutions. Financial goals met for department. Adherence to your budgetary goals If not, please explain Punctuality How many days were you late to work this year? How many times did you have to leave early? Departments met Key Performance Indicators? Please identify any KPI's that were not met and the plan to meet them in the future. List upcoming needed capital improvements or larger than usual purchases for your department. Explain your succession plan as of today. Who would take over your responsibilities if something happened to you. Did you take vacation this year? YesNo List achievements and accomplishments from last years review. List areas you need to develop and improve. Requests or concerns, career fulfillment, what can your supervisor do to help you improve. Suggestions for next year. [calculated Score cf7-label "(ethics + policy + training + solutions + finance-goals + budget + punctuality + KPI + dependability + judgement + initiative + interpersonal + responsibilities)"]