First you will need to download the barcode scanner: iPhone or android
You will first need to login to with your username and password
Once logged in you will go to (you must be logged in to have access to this page. If you don’t see complete order dropdown and text box, you are not logged in.)
Make sure the drop down box displays “complete order”
Change your keyboard layout to the one you downloaded above.
You can now scan QR codes to complete the order. Be sure the screen displays “order marked as complete” (if someone tries to reuse a QR code it will read “Order already completed”)
There is an option to look up an order without marking it complete by changing the drop down menu option.
BE AWARE! If it scans correctly it will display “order marked as complete” If they have already been marked complete and scan again, it will read “order already completed”
If they have no barcode
You can look them up through the Woocommerce app. You can search by order number, name, phone or email.
First you will need to download the barcode scanner: iPhone or android.