Operating Needs
We have an average of 120 residents at any given time at Habilitat as well as two fully functioning businesses. The operating needs are quite costly and we do whatever we can to alleviate the costs of running the facility. Office needs, hygiene, and clothing are the areas in which we spend the most money and are currently doing our best to acquire these items.[/accordion_item]
Auction Items
Every spring we put on a Luau, Auction and Benefit Concert for over 2,000 Oahu residents. The auction is a great way to gain product recognition. We hold two separate auctions, one live and one silent. The items featured in our auction range from children’s items to chainsaws and can be viewed on our auction page.
Christmas Project
Every holiday season we make sure there is a box of clothes under the tree for each resident to open. The boxes are filled with a variety of needed clothing items. Supporters Do you have computers or technology you would like to donate? Click here to view our technology wish list.
We celebrate holidays in a big way here at Habilitat. Ckeck out our Mother’s Day page for a great example of what we’re talking about. Also feel free to check out some photos from Christmas, Easter and more.