Drug Treatment Programs

Aloha my world wide web-er-nauts. If you’ve stumbled upon this page there’s a good chance you’re in need of a life change. If you’re like me or any of my brothers and sisters here at Habilitat, the place of change, you’ve probably been to multiple rehabs or other drug treatment programs with no avail. Albert Einstein once defined insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” I have one question for you; are you ready to do something different? Welcome to the world of therapeutic communities. Following the model of “community as method,” Habilitat believes that there is no one better to assist in an individual’s rehabilitation than someone who has walked the shoes of an addict. Every single one of our clinical staff has been through our treatment program and believes and stands by every principle we teach. Our approach is different than most which provides us results that solidify our name as one of the best in the nation. Drug use stops at the door, which leaves only one thing left to work on for the following two and a half years; Yourself. If you want to continue to give yourself an excuse that your addiction is a disease and beyond your control I wish you luck. If you’re ready to grow up and take responsibility for the havoc you’ve caused to yourself and everyone around you, I dare you to pick up the phone. If you’re like me and tired of being homeless and addicted to drugs, long term residential substance abuse treatment paired with vocational training, may just be the stepping stone you need to help you transition back into society.  There are so many drug treatment programs out there, choose wisely! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more addiction and treatment related news.


Source: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/therapeutic-communities/what-are-therapeutic-communities