Brett Hill Construction has been impacting residents here at Habilitat for the past 8 years. The impact has a ripple effect that still reaches graduates from years ago, living successful lives today. The staff at Brett Hill Construction have taken time to spend with our family and be the example so many of us need to follow. Words cannot express our gratitude for your time, support and guidance. Below are some thoughts from some of the individuals you have spent time with.
Coming into the New Year, the Habilitat Family is extremely grateful to have the opportunity to create a bond with Brett Hill Construction. The connection that we have allows us to be inspired and learn the path to becoming a true professional. The mentorship that I have received from Brett Hill and Bryan Mukai has allowed me to strive in my program here at Habilitat. The principles and expectations we have are similar, so it is easy to relate with the whole team. I look forward to pursuing a partnership between Habilitat and Brett Hill Construction that will have benefits for everyone. Mahalo to the team of Brett Hill for being part of my journey. -Cory E.
Being a resident of Habilitat for almost 2 years, I have come a long way. I learned many skills that have made me a stronger person, one of these traits is my self-confidence. I still remember my first call with Brett Hill Construction, and how it boosted my confidence. Now, I find it easy to network with other companies, but I will not forget the people that helped me become the person I am today. Thank you for all the care and support, I am truly grateful. -Shae Bryan S
Prior to coming to Habilitat I was a broken individual. Since being in the program I have been given an opportunity to recognize my flaws and start becoming the best person I can possibly be. I had the privilege and honor to meet the Brett Hill Construction family. They are an amazing company with a passion for helping others and as soon as I walked into the building, they immediately made me feel like family. I was inspired by what they have accomplished and the care they showed me. They have made that light at the end of the tunnel a whole lot brighter! -Ka’iewe D
“I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success” – Nikola Tesla
This quote summarizes a great truth I’ve learned: There is nothing like the feeling of turning your vision into reality. Two years ago, I decided I would create a life of wealth and pursue a positive future. I’ve gone from victim to creator not only through discipline & hard work but most importantly: family. I’ve learned my success is dependent on others and the relationship I build with them. It was a blessing to share the holiday at the Brett Hill office and have these principles reinstilled in me through conversations with the team. It’s nice to know you’re on the right path when you hear things you are learning spoken from people you look up to. – Kyler E